糖尿病及其并发症控制不力,过早进入中、晚期阶段,可以耗费大量的糖尿病医疗资源,故从循证医学角度再认识糖尿病发生、发展与糖尿病医疗干预成本的相关性尤为必要。糖尿病干预成本的效益类型分为节省成本型、高划算成本型、划算成本型、临界划算成本型和不划算成本型。大多数研究建议糖尿病干预措施应该是成本划算型的,同时许多有力证据表明糖尿病干预措施的理想归位是节省成本型或很划算成本型。优化设计节省成本型和很划算成本型干预方案可以有效控制糖尿病流行现状。,The poor control of diabetes and its complications make patient’s condition early into the me-dium and late stage ,it may expend a large number of diabetes medical resources .So from the point of view of evidence-based medicine reunderstanding diabetes occurrence,development with relevance to diabetes cost of medical intervention is especially necessary .The classification of cost-effectiveness of diabetes interventions were classified as cost saving type,very cost-effective type,cost-effective type,marginally cost-effective type, and not cost-effective type.Most studys suggst that intervening measure of diabetes should be cost-effective type,simultaneously a large amount of strong evidence demonstrate that ideal homing of diabetes interventions measure is cost saving type or very cost-effective type.That optimization designing intervention program for cost saving type and very cost-effective type can effectively control the diabetes epidemic situation .