水松(Glyptostrobus pensilis为杉木科水松属半落叶性大乔木,喜水湿或沼泽环境,在PH值为5—9的土壤条件下,均能正常生长。水松是我国南方特有的一个古老树种,多分布于珠江三角洲,在广东各地和闽南的河堤沟边也有栽培。水松根系组织松软,耐浸耐腐。被泥层掩埋数百年的伐根,也能保持完整。水松的根颈部分特别
Corkscrew (Glyptostrobus pensilis is a Chinese fir cedar deciduous big tree, hi water or swamp environment, in the PH value of 5-9 soil conditions, can grow normally.Cork is a unique ancient southern China Tree species, mainly distributed in the Pearl River Delta, are also cultivated in various embankments along the southern part of Guangdong and the embankments along the southern part of Fujian Province. The roots of the cork are loosely woven and resistant to leaching and decay. The neck part is special