分别以连作黄瓜4, 25 年的大棚土壤为处理, 以露地菜田非连作土壤为对照进行盆栽黄瓜试验, 研究不同连作年限土壤对黄瓜产量及其品质的影响, 结果表明: 大棚连作4 年土壤对黄瓜产量及其品质没有显著影响, 而连作25 年的土壤对黄瓜的产量及其品质均有显著的不良影响, 其产量显著降低, 品质变劣, 土传病害发病率高。
The cucumber plants were treated with 4 and 25 years old cucumbers under continuous cropping of cucumbers. Cucumber was potted with non-cropped soil in open field. The effects of different continuous cropping years on the yield and quality of cucumber were studied. The results showed that: There was no significant effect on the yield and quality of cucumber. However, the yield and quality of cucumber were significantly negatively affected by continuous cropping for 25 years. The yield of cucumber was significantly reduced, the quality was deteriorated, and the incidence of soil-borne diseases was high.