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在美国说起你是做NGO的,所有人都会对你尊重。在国内,向别人介绍说自己是做社会工作的,大家也未必能理解。8月8日,一场名为“比较视野下的社会组织影响力”——香港、德国、美国NGO(非政府组织)参访交流分享会在浦东举行。此前,新区多名社会组织负责人在上海市社会工作党委和南都基金会等部门的支持下,分别对香港、德国、美国三地的NGO发展现状进行了实地参访与交流。经过交流,与会者有这样一个共识:本土社会组织的发展急需要借鉴发达国家和地区社会组织发展经验。 When you talk about you as an NGO in the United States, everyone will respect you. At home, introducing myself to others as a social worker can not necessarily be understood by everyone. On August 8, a social organization called “Comparative Social Influence” was held in Pudong, a visit to Hong Kong, Germany and the United States by NGOs (non-governmental organizations). Earlier, heads of social organizations in the New Zone, with the support of the Shanghai Municipal Social Work Party Committee and the Narada Foundation, conducted field visits and exchanges on the development status of NGOs in Hong Kong, Germany and the United States. After the exchange, participants shared the consensus that the development of local social organizations urgently needs to learn from the experience of social organizations in developed countries and regions.
他们是第一个在奥运会上为中国赢得喝彩的团队,时间是1936年。  中国1936年参赛个人和团队  田径国手刘长春、东亚运动会上九连冠的中国足球队、铅球运动员王宝球、撑杆跳运动员,后来的抗战烈士符保卢、拳击选手荆贵弟,还有两位女运动员湖南短跑选手李森、香港游泳女选手杨秀琼。  中国国术队参加表演赛。  柏林1936年奥运会上,中国赴德队伍中有37名是参观考察的官员,69名运动员组织的6个专业队都惨淡