第四讲 写作过程(下)

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四、修改(一)修改的必要1.从认识和表达的规律看写文章牵涉到认识与表达,即反映的全过程,是从感性认识到理性认识,又经过思维活动用文字表达出来,使别人能理解又乐于信服的复杂劳动,不容易一次完成就正确无误。修改就是把反复认识的成果,认识深化的结果体现出来的手段。毛泽东同志指出:“我看重要的文章不妨修改它十多遍,认真地加以删改,然后发表。”2.从写作实践看从写作实践看,古今中外的大手笔都十分重视文章的修改。马克思的《资本论》修改到生命的最后一息。他逝世的时候是坐在椅子上的,写字台上还摊着《资本论》第二卷的第八次修改稿。可是据拉法格《忆马克思》中说:“他从来不满意自己的著作,事后总是要加以修改,并且总是觉得文字表现没有达到思想所达到的高度。”鲁迅被称为中国大文豪,他说:“我写完之后,总要看两遍,自己觉得拗口的,增删几个字,一定要它读得顺口。”(《我怎样做起小说来》)他的绝笔之作《因太炎先生而想起的二三事》,写于逝世前两天,文稿上删改28处,增订25处,共修改53处。3.修改能力是写作能力的组成部分写完文章有时不知怎么改才好,拿到别人需要修改的文章也不知如何下笔,甚至改坏了的情况也是有 Fourth, the amendment (A) the need for revision 1. From the law of recognition and expression of writing articles involves the understanding and expression, that is, the whole process of reflection is from perceptual awareness to rational understanding, but also through thinking activities expressed in words, so that It is not easy for others to understand the complicated labor that they are willing to convince, and it is not easy to do it in one time. Amendments are the means to reflect the results of repeated understandings and the results of deepening understanding. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out: “I see important articles may wish to modify it a dozen times, seriously delete, and then published. ” 2 from the practice of writing to see from the writing practice, generous at all times and in all countries attach great importance to the revision of the article. Marx’s “Capitalism” is modified to the last breath of life. He was sitting on a chair while he was still dead, and his desk still displays the Eighth Revision of Capital II. However, according to Lafayette’s “Remembrance of Marx”, he said: “He was never satisfied with his own work and always revised it afterwards and always felt that the performance of his writing did not reach the level reached by thought.” “Lu Xun was called China Great writer, he said: ”After I finished, I always read twice, I feel hard to pronounce, add a few words, it must read it. “ (”How do I start a novel“) his A Talented Work ”Two or Three Things That Remembered Because of Mr. Tai Yan" was written two days before his death. There were 28 censors, 25 more amendments, and 53 were revised altogether. 3. modify ability is part of the writing ability finished writing sometimes do not know how to change it, get someone else need to modify the article also do not know how to write down, and even damaged the situation is
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