温室白粉虱(Trialeurodes vaporario-rum Westwood)属同翅目,粉虱科。近年来,在北京、天津、河南、山东等地发生,除危害温室、大棚等保护地蔬菜外,还严重地危害露地果菜类蔬菜,成为目前蔬菜生产上的主要害虫之一。一、寄主和危害1.温室白粉虱寄主广泛,危害作物多主要以成虫和幼虫群居寄主植物叶背吸食汁液,造成被害叶片褪色、变黄、萎蔫、甚至死亡。嗜食瓜类、茄果类、豆类等植物。在我国已发现有47个科200多种植物受到危害。其危害的主要蔬菜种类有:葫芦科的黄瓜、冬瓜、西葫芦等;茄科的茄子、番茄、辣椒等;豆科的菜豆、豇豆等;十字花科的白菜、油菜、萝卜等;伞形科的芹菜、茴香等;百合科的大葱、大蒜等。
Trialeurodes vaporario-rum Westwood is a Homoptera and whitefly. In recent years, in Beijing, Tianjin, Henan, Shandong and other places, in addition to endangering greenhouses, greenhouses and other protected vegetables, but also a serious endangerment of exposed fruits and vegetables, become the current one of the major pests in vegetable production. First, the host and endanger 1. Green house whitefly hosts a wide range of harmful crops and more mainly to adults and larvae host host plant back to drink juice, causing the victim leaves fade, yellow, wilting, and even death. Eating melons, solanaceous fruits, beans and other plants. In our country, it has been found that more than 200 plants of 47 families are harmed. The main types of vegetables that they endanger are cucumbers, melons and zucchini of Cucurbitaceae, eggplant, tomato and peppers of Solanaceae, beans and legumes of legumes, cabbage, rape and radish of cruciferous families, Celery, fennel, etc .; lily family of green onions, garlic and so on.