由干文字的产生和发展,人类的智慧才得以充分的发挥,人类 社会才会越来越光辉灿烂、丰富多彩。可以说,没有汉字就不会有 辉煌灿烂的中国古化文明,从某种意义上讲,探讨汉字就是探求中 国的古代文明。从本期开始,我们将邀请上海大学余志鸿教授和他 的助手复旦大学郭蓬蓬傅士,带我们一起走进美妙而神奇的汉字世 界,和我们一起去体悟傅大而精深的汉字文化。
Only by the generation and development of dry words can we fully exert human wisdom, and the human society will become more and more brilliant and colorful. It can be said that if there is no Chinese character, there will be no glorious and splendid ancient civilization in China. In a sense, exploring Chinese characters is an exploration of ancient civilizations in China. From this issue, we will invite Professor Yu Zhihong of Shanghai University and his assistant Fudan University, Guo Pengpeng Fu Shi, to take us into the world of wonderful and magical Chinese characters, and join us to realize the profound and profound Chinese character culture.