First Trip of Media Exchange Year

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  China in the eyes of Malaysian journalists attending ASEAN Elites China Tour 2019
  On February 20, the opening ceremony of the 2019 China-ASEAN Year of Media Exchanges took place in Beijing. In a congratulatory message to the event, Chinese President Xi Jinping said: “I hope the media from both sides can serve as messengers of friendly exchanges, facilitators of pragmatic cooperation, guardians of harmonious coexistence and good story-tellers on topics of peace and development to make great contributions to construction of a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future.”
  The event was held on the third day of the ASEAN Elites China Tour 2019, which took place from February 18 to 27. Among the 11 ASEAN participants in this China Tour, the first China-ASEAN media journey of this year, were five journalists from media outlets of Malaysia including Bernama (Malaysia National News Agency), Sin Chew Daily, Star, Sinar Harian (The Sun, Malaysia’s national newspaper) and Berita Harian (a Malay-language newspaper), who got the chance to witness and experience the achievements of China’s reform and opening-up and the country’s unique traditional culture.
  Beautiful Memories on Niujie Street
  It was a first trip to China for most of the participating journalists. They took quick pictures of everything that impressed them from traditional culture to modern development. Halal food was one particularly impressive sight.
  Some have argued that the best way to understand the development of Islam in a region is to visit local restaurants and mosques. Describing her impression of the trip to Beijing, Mansor recalled an unforgettable scene of a long queue in front of a restaurant on Niujie Street (literally “Ox Street”).
  She came upon the scene while traveling to the China Islamic Association. She was very curious. Her Chinese guide explained that the street is famous for halal restaurants and the queue was for halal food takeout. “Although I don’t understand why a food street was named ‘Ox Street,’ I am pleased to see Muslims in China living a good life,” she declared.
  Fatin Hafizah Binti Mohd Shahar, a journalist from Berita Harian, was also impressed with the halal food in Bejing. In the restaurants there, she consumed considerable beef and lamb (sometimes too much) with naan (baked bread) as the base. “In Malaysia, we have more chicken and fish than beef and lamb,” she noted. “It was an unforgettable experience to have delicious halal food in China.”   Xinjiang’s Economic Development and Folk Culture
  In Xinjiang, the journalists visited the autonomous region’s capital Urumqi as well as Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture in northern Xinjiang, Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture in southern Xinjiang and Kashgar and Hotan, two important hubs on the ancient Silk Road. The mosques in the autonomous region combine Uyghur style with Islamic architectural art, and the residential houses retain the traditional features of different ethnic groups. The journalists were impressed with the high-quality fruits and nuts and the fascinating song and dance performances found there.
  Hafizah had learned Chinese and had some understanding about China. She thinks the journey expanded her knowledge. “This is my first visit to Xinjiang,” she said. “Previously, I was informed about Xinjiang by foreign media reports. I saw a different Xinjiang on this journey, including its diversity in culture, food and harmonious life. In the future, we have to see more on the ground to keep our readers well-informed.”
  After her visit to Id Kah Mosque in Hotan, Mansor exclaimed in her report: “A trip to Xinjiang cannot be perfect without a visit to the magnificent mosque in Kashgar!…Id Kah Mosque, the largest of its kind in China, was built in 1422 and covers 16,800 square meters. Nearly 10,000 Muslims perform Jumah prayer there on Fridays. The mosque has been well-maintained and features a library for people to use before and after prayers.” Mansor visited other mosques including Juma Mosque in Hotan, which incorporates traditional Uygur style. She declared that the harmonious combination of religious culture with traditional styles of different ethnic groups in China makes the country unique globally.
  During her visit to Xinjiang, Chong Ling Fang focused on the economic development of the region, especially tourism.
  Although the schedule was tight, Fang managed to experience Xinjiang’s unique folk culture and delicious food of the Hui, Kirgiz and Uygur ethnic groups. Her most unforgettable experiences were the Uygur classical music genre 12 Muqam, the Kirgiz epic Manas, the maze-like Kashgar Old City and the brick carving of Uygur residential houses.
  In her report, she wrote: “Xinjiang, an autonomous region in northwestern China, is ‘a land of melon and fruit’ as well as ‘a land of song and dance.’ It is famous for its beautiful scenery and alluring tourist attractions. However, due to terrorist attacks years ago, the region’s tourism industry suffered a serious setback. In recent years, with the improvement of the security situation, tourism in the region has gradually recovered. In 2018, a record number of 150 million tourists visited Xinjiang, and the figure is expected to grow to 200 million this year.” She also noted, “Xinjiang is a hub on the Silk Road Economic Belt. In recent years, the Chinese government has invested a tremendous amount in infrastructure, people’s wellbeing and poverty alleviation in the region. At the same time, the government has encouraged enterprises in other parts of the country to invest in the region to help its development.”   Focusing on Malaysia-China Relations
  The year of 2019 marks the 45th anniversary of Malaysia-China diplomatic relations, so the development of this set of relations drew the focus of the Malaysian journalists.
  At a meeting with Jiang Jianguo, vice minister of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, a question was raised on this topic.
  “China has always attached great importance to its relations with Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries,” said Jiang. “At the beginning of reform and opening-up, China sent many delegations overseas to learn advanced technology and experienc. ‘Xinmatai’ (Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand) used to be the most popular destinations.”
  “Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Malaysia in 1974, the Chinese government has always maintained exchange and cooperation with successive Malaysian governments in various fields such as culture, education, economics and trade, which has contributed to the ever-growing friendship between the two peoples,” he added.
  Bernama reported that “Malaysia and China are important economic and trade partners of each other... China has vowed to maintain friendly ties with Malaysia.”
  Rahim wrote this in his report: “The old saying ‘one step at a time’ stresses that it is possible to make progress by moving forward in a steady manner. I think it’s a good phrase to describe the 45-year-old relations between Malaysia and China. Since 2009, China has been Malaysia’s largest trading partner. In 2018, our bilateral trade reached US$108.6 billion. Malaysia has been actively attracting Chinese investment. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) has organized many trade and investment delegations to visit China seeking to reinvigorate potential Chinese investors’ confidence in Malaysia.”
  Rahim is optimistic about the future of Malaysia-China relations. In a WeChat (social media app) interview the other day, he said: “Prime Minister Mahathir has attached great importance to relations with China. Within his first year in office, he visited China twice. Work on the suspended East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) will resume. Malaysia-China relations will become more solid.”
  At the end of the journey, Mansor commented: “I’ve been impressed with all I’ve seen and all the friends that I’ve got to know along this journey. In the future, I’d definitely come back to China as a reporter with a more open mind.”
合浦角雕是一首时光的诗歌,书写在牛羊角上。人们总说,时光如风,岁月无痕,但当我们蓦然回首,时光早已碎在阳光斑驳的荫凉小路上,藏在匠人眼边皱纹里,刻在合浦角雕上,等待着我们去品味、去回忆那些有关传承人坚守的故事。  合浦临海,空气十分湿润,而海风轻拂,祛了湿黏的异样感受,只留下清爽的夏日。下了动车,在白耀华的带领下,我来到位于北海工艺美术博览园内的角雕艺术馆。  2017年,白耀华被评为广西壮族自治
一个城市的底蕴和记忆,往往藏在凝聚着先人智慧的古老建筑群、人们的一蔬一饭、衣食住行中,南宁市宾阳县的宾州古城亦如此。穿行于古老的街道巷陌,隐匿于人群嘈杂间,9月的宾州人顶着暑气等待着一份夏末的舌尖美味。作为外乡人的我们,开始细细寻找和观摩这千百年时光在宾州留下的痕迹或深或浅痕迹。  隐在寻常巷陌的故事里  广西宾阳县古为百粤之地,建置时间可追溯到西汉元鼎六年,距今已有两千多年的历史,唐时命名为宾州
桂西南边陲,左江沿岸的花山岩画仿佛一本无字天书惊艳了世人。而源自这片骆越之地的古老乐器,穿过千百年的悠悠时光,弹奏出了壮族先民悲欢离合的“鼎叮”之声。  那弹出“鼎叮”之声的古老乐器就是天琴。“鼎叮”之声,源于乐器独特的音色,为空弹两根琴弦所发出“叮叮”声,故壮族先民取其音为其名。在古骆越文化中,鼎叮作为壮族民间沟通天命的法器,常用于禳灾治病、祈求丰登的祭祀活动中,与天有关,为敬天之琴。  天琴,
8月,中国玉溪元江,暑气升腾。老213国道元江桥上,象群排成一字,在指挥人员的引导下缓缓渡江。时值雨季,脚下的元江翻腾,120立方米每秒的浪潮似在欢送,加上7月已送返西双版纳国家级自然保护区的雄性独象,至此,北移的15头亚洲象全部南返。  这无疑是第十个世界大象日来临前,属于亚洲象最好的消息。工业革命以来,随着城市化进程的加快,野生动物栖息地急剧减少,“人兽冲突”在农林边界时有发生。象群北移是迁徙
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