
来源 :中德临床肿瘤学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tyybj2008
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Objective: Gemcitabine, used as single agent for elderly patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), was demonstrated effective in this population based on phase Ⅱ studies. The aim of this study was to summarize all those phase Ⅱ studies with the hope to get a comprehensive understanding of gemcitabine efficacy. Methods: The PubMed database was used to search all the papers on NSCLC associated with gemcitabine used as single agent in the first line setting till to March 31st, 2010. And the medians and their 95% Cl of overall response rate (ORR), disease control rate (DCR), progression free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS) were calculated. Results: 1. There were 7 papers including 410 patients with performance status (PS) ≤ 2 and advanced stage collected. 2. The dose-intensities of gemcitabine were 843.75 mg/m2/week-1125 mg/m2/week in the 4-week schedule, and 666.7 mg/m2/week in the 3-week schedule. 3. The median age was 73.8 (95% Cl was 72.44, 75.16) years old; 36.1% (95% Cl: 31.4%, 40.7%) of patients with stage ⅢB and 60.5% (95% Cl:55.8%, 65.2%) of patients with stage Ⅳ; 35.9% (95% Cl: 31.2%, 40.5%) patients were adenocarcinomas and 43.7% (95% Cl: 38.9%, 48.5%) patients were squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). 4. The ORR, DCR, PFS/TTP, and OS were 22.3% (95% Cl: 18.2%, 26.5%),58.4% (95% Cl: 53.5%, 63.4%), 3.6 (95% Cl: 2.9, 5.15) months and 6.68 (95% Cl: 5.4, 8.11) months, respectively. Conclu-sion: Gemcitabine as single agent applied in this special population was effective and can be well tolerated under different doses and usage.
Melanotic medullary carcinoma is extremely rare.We described a 35-year-old man who was found swelling in the left neck accidently.and no clinic evidences.A left
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