淮北地区长期以来二代棉铃虫主要是通过冬绿肥苕子或箭舌豌豆地的一代残虫调查资料而预报的。其中发生期是利用所查残虫发育进度 ,进行历期推算 ,再结合期距法等预测 ;发生程度也是根据一代发生残虫密度和当年气象、棉花长势等因素 ,对照历史资料而发报的。随着种植业结构的不?
The second generation of cotton bollworms in Huaibei has long been forecasted through the investigation of the first generation of stinkbugs in winter green lettuce or arrow tongue pea. The occurrence period is the use of the progress of the development of check the parasite, the calculation of the period, combined with the long-term method of prediction; occurrence is also based on the generation of the next generation of the density of the stinger and meteorology, cotton growth and other factors, control the historical data and reported . With the planting structure is not?