SC - 2 0 53杂交剂在春小麦上试验 ,结果表明 :0 .7kg/hm2 用量杀雄效果最好 ,杀雄率达 92 .6% ,喷施最适时期为雌雄蕊原基分化期至药隔期 (幼穗长度为 0 .7~ 1.0cm)。具有杂种优势超亲、超标组合的产量构成因素中穗数、穗粒数是决定产量的主要因素。
SC - 20 53 hybrids were tested on spring wheat. The results showed that the best killing effect was achieved at the dosage of 0.7 kg / hm2 and the killing rate was 92.6%. The optimum period of spraying was the differentiation of pistil and stamen to the drug The interval (ear length of 0 .7 ~ 1.0cm). With the heterosis super-pro and excessive combinations of yield components in the panicle number, grain number is the main factor in determining the yield.