广昌县为了保护森林资源,在林业和煤炭等部门的配合下,开展了以煤代柴活动。该县许多单位和居民长期以来都是以片柴为燃料,近来更有一些人以搞活经济为名,随便建窑烧砖瓦。据统计,每烧一块砖需消耗1.5斤片柴、全县砖瓦窑由1 982年的84个增至200多个,每个窑以一年出10窑计算,全县一年要烧掉片柴3300万斤,相当于1700
Guangchang County, in order to protect forest resources, in cooperation with the forestry and coal sectors, carried out on behalf of the coal on behalf of wood activities. Many units and residents of the county have long used flake wood as fuel, and more recently some even built brick in the name of invigorating the economy. According to statistics, every kilogram of brick consumes 1.5 kilograms of firewood, and the county’s brick kiln has increased from 84 in 1982 to more than 200 kilns, accounting for 10 kilns a year for each kiln. The county burns in one year 33 million kilograms of firewood, equivalent to 1700