中国机械工程学会主办 ,流体传动与控制分会、华中科技大学共同承办的第四届国际流体传动与控制学术会议TheFourthIn ternationalSymposiumonFluidPowerTransmissionandControl(ISFP’0 3)于 2 0 0 3年 4月 8日~ 1 0日在武汉成功召开。本次会议吸引了国内外众多流体传动及控制
The Fourth International Fluid Drive and Control Conference hosted by China Mechanical Engineering Society, Fluid Drives and Control Branch and Huazhong University of Science and Technology TheFourthIntenationalSymposiumonFluidPowerTransmissionandControl (ISFP’0 3) On April 8, 2003 to October 10, 2003 Successfully held in Wuhan. This meeting attracted many domestic and foreign fluid transmission and control