On November 25, 2013, hosted by China Film and Television Technology Association, hosted by China Film High-tech Research Institute, co-organized by Beijing Film Academy, CCTV and Autodesk, the 3rd International 3D Technology Symposium and Second China 3D (3D) Film and Television Works Award ”ceremony was held in Beijing Film Academy. The project collection phase lasted six months, a total of contact production, production and distribution of more than 800, collecting nearly 100 works, duration of more than a thousand minutes. Selected by the CCTV CCTV situation selected 3D version of “Guomai” with the highest 91.5 points won the TV feature category best documentary film, the film will represent China to participate in the 2013 International 3D Technology Review. “Guomai” using 4K resolution 3D recording, non-compressed post-production, the Chinese National Museum of “Houdingding”, "