毛竹是我国重要的经济林种之一。为了加速毛竹生产的发展,溧水县林场职工,在南京林产工业学院和省林科所的指导下,近年来进行了实生毛竹扦插育苗试验,通过反复实践,获得初步成功。1976年11月22日扦插,基部节的插穗成苗率达40%。现将具体作法简介如下: 一、圃地选择和作法选择地势平坦、排灌方便的地方作圃地。通过深翻细整,作成宽为1.2-1.3米的苗床,床面要求土细、平整,上铺15厘米厚的细沙。同时备好木桩、铁丝、芦帘,待插后遮荫用。二、插穗的选择和处理
Bamboo is one of the important economic forest species in our country. In order to accelerate the development of bamboo production, under the guidance of Nanjing Forestry Industry College and Forestry Bureau of Lishui County, Lushui County forestry workers conducted the experiment of cutting propagation of live bamboo in recent years and achieved initial success through repeated practice. November 22, 1976 Cutting, cuttings basal section of the seedling rate of 40%. The specific practices are as follows: First, the choice of land and practices Select flat land, irrigation and drainage convenient place for land. Through the deep plowing fine, making a width of 1.2-1.3 m seedbed, the bed requires fine, smooth, 15 cm thick sand on the shop. At the same time ready stakes, wire, shade, to be inserted after shade. Second, cuttings selection and handling