1999年,对荣事达来说是一个能直接感到痛楚的年份。这一年,荣事达由洗衣机行业的龙头老大突然跌落到第三,到了今年年初,荣事达传出人事变动消息。 变局 春节后的一个月里,从合肥断断续续传来荣事达副总李洪峰职务有变的消息。 不久两会召开,与全国人大代表陈荣珍一起亮相的是北京新闻界久违了的总裁办主任张昭和宣传处处长李呈三,李洪峰没有露面,各种猜测得到了充分的验证。 发展最为成熟的中国家电企业的高层变动早在1998年便开始演绎,科龙的潘宁让贤王国端寄情于高尔夫,科龙高层权力的成功转移成为业界佳话;小天鹅几位副总的成功隐退让人们不得不佩
In 1999, it was a year for Rongshida to feel the pain directly. This year, Rongshida suddenly fell to the third by the leader of the washing machine industry, to the beginning of this year, Rongshida news of personnel changes. Changes in the month after the Spring Festival, came from Hefei Rongshida vice president Li Hongfeng intermittent change of position. Two sessions will be held soon, and Chen Rongzhen, NPC deputy, will make an appearance together with Zhang Zhao, director of the Beijing press press office and Li Chengsan, director of the propaganda department, who have not appeared before. All kinds of speculations have been fully verified. Development of the most mature high-level changes in China's home appliance business began as early as 1998 began to interpret, Kelon's Penning Jade Xian kingdom of passion to golf, Kelon high-power success of the transfer into the industry story; Little Swan several vice president of success hidden Retreat people have to wear