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十四届五中全会通过的关于制定“九五”计划和2010年远景目标的《建议》,是指引中华民族跨世纪行动的宏伟纲领,是一部历史性文献。《建议》指出:“物质文明和精神文明都搞好,才是有中国特色的社会主义。”《建议》还强调“要把社会主义精神文明建设提到更加突出的地位”。改革开放十七年来,我国的物质文明建设和精神文明建设都取得了伟大的历史性成就,但是,我们也不能不看到,帝国主义亡我之心不死。它的一个重要手法就是通过宣扬资产阶级的思想、文化和生活方式,以达到和平演变的目的。因此,必须在加强物质文明建设的同时,坚持不懈地加强爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义思想教 The “Proposal” adopted at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee for formulating the “Ninth Five-year Plan” and the 2010 Vision is a grand document guiding the Chinese nation’s trans-century actions and is a historic document. The “Proposal” states: “Both material civilization and spiritual civilization are good socialism with Chinese characteristics.” The “Proposal” also emphasizes “the socialist spiritual civilization construction should be brought to a more prominent position.” Since the reform and opening up for the past seventeen years, great achievements have been made in the building of a material civilization and in building a spiritual civilization in our country. However, we can not fail to see that the imperialists will never die in their hearts. One of its major tactics is to achieve the goal of peaceful evolution by promoting the bourgeois ideology, culture and life style. Therefore, we must unswervingly strengthen patriotism, collectivism and socialist ideology while strengthening the building of material civilization
器官移植可引起感染、肿瘤、癫痫、脑血管意外和脑病等多种类型神经系统并发症。本文对其临床表现和发病机理等进行综述。 Organ transplantation can cause infections, ca
We report the fabrication and the study of superconducting properties of ultra-thin Nb superconducting meander nanowires, which can be used as superconducting n