This article describes the development of GEMNet (Mapping Network for Grade Estimation) artificial intelligence systems for ore grade estimation. One of the main purposes of this work is to explore the use of neural networks as a tool for estimating the grade and other spatial variations of deposits. Some features of neural networks show that it is suitable for estimating grade. The neural network has the ability to learn examples and generalize them (based on a limited number of boreholes, predict the grade of the entire deposit). Neural networks can also learn from precedents and get trained to solve a problem. They do not need to be explicitly programmed (that is, the accuracy of the system relies heavily on the validity of the precedent obtained from the deposit without relying on the assumptions made in establishing the deposit model). Neural networks have the ability to approximate complex mapping relationships between domains and need only be based on mapping precedents (in this context, the mapping or relationship between spatial and grade values in the deposit). This paper describes the main components of the GEMNet system and how it works, and gives examples of the application of a certain iron deposit to small-scale problems.