1937年4月29日,率领西路军左支 队经历了49个日夜的艰苦征程后,李先 念等人顺利抵达新疆关口--星星峡, 开始了在新疆的学习生活。 星星峡位于甘肃和新疆的交界处, 这里群山耸峙,人烟稀少,新疆边防督办 盛世才在此处设有边防站。此时的盛世 才独揽军政大权,并打出亲苏、反帝的旗 号,同时出于与国民政府抗衡、独立新疆 的打算,响应中共提出的“停止内战,一 致抗日”的主张,愿与中共交好。李先念 等人抵达星星峡后,受到边防站负责人 王效典等有关人员的热情接待。随后,先
On April 29, 1937, after leading the left detachment of the West Route Army for 49 day and night hardships, Li Xiannian and others successfully arrived at the gateway of Xinjiang-Xingxingxia and started their studies in Xinjiang. Xingxianxia is located at the junction of Gansu and Xinjiang, where mountains stand sparsely populated, Xinjiang border superintendency Shengshi only here with the border station. At this time, Sheng took over the military and political power and played the banner of pro-Soviet and anti-imperialism. At the same time, out of the intention of opposing the independence and independence of Xinjiang by the Kuomintang government and responding to the proposition put forward by the CPC for “stopping the civil war and unifying the anti-Japanese” The Chinese communists make good. After Li Xiannian and others arrived in Xingxingxia, they were warmly received by relevant personnel such as Wang Jiantian, person in charge of the border control station. Then, first