The chromosome 10 homologous deletion phosphatase - tensin gene (phosphataseandtensinhomologdeletedonchromosometen, PTEN) in a variety of tumors there is a mutation. PTEN gene product has protein phosphatase activity and lipid phosphatase activity, and its C-terminal can regulate PTEN targeting on the membrane. PTEN, which binds to the plasma membrane, regulates intracellular PIP3 levels by catalyzing the degradation of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate (PIP3), negatively regulating the PKB / Akt pathway. Within the cell, PTEN interacts with many cell surface receptors and negatively regulates some of the receptor-mediated signal transduction pathways to regulate cell proliferation, migration and invasion. PTEN also regulates gene transcription by binding to p53 protein, which in turn regulates cell growth or apoptosis.