
来源 :短篇小说(原创版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shrimpdragon
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在20世纪,有一位著名的作家叫威廉·福克纳,他曾编著过一本小说叫《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》(以下简称《艾米莉》)。福克纳打破传统小说的叙事模式,创新性地运用交错颠倒的方式,使人们产生新的阅读快感。初读时,读者会有摸不清头尾的零乱感,叙述顺序颠倒错乱;其实,这样的写作形式正是把作者的写作技巧表现得淋漓尽致,较之传统的写作形式,这样写的好处就是可以带给读者新鲜感并最终引发共鸣。 In the twentieth century, William Faulkner, a famous writer, wrote a novel entitled Rose for Emily (Emily). Faulkner breaks the narrative model of traditional novels and creatively uses the method of staggering and reversing so that people can create new reading pleasure. The first reading, the reader will feel the mess of the head and tail, the order of the reverse order disorder; In fact, this form of writing is the author’s writing skills demonstrated most vividly, compared to the traditional form of writing, the benefits of writing is Can bring the reader a fresh feeling and eventually resonate.