
来源 :中国血吸虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nvli2010
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目的分析总结江苏省土源性线虫病20年来的流行趋势和防治措施,评价防治效果,探讨适合当前流行特点的防治策略和措施。方法收集1990-2009年江苏省土源性线虫病监测、控制措施及防治效果等资料,分析不同阶段的流行特点,评价其防治措施及效果。结果江苏省在不同的防治阶段采取了不同的防治方案。20年来,累计服药防治10 691.66万人次,监测查病204.29万人次。2009年土源性线虫感染率为1.31%,比1990年的59.32%下降了97.79%,表明防治成效十分显著。结论江苏省土源性线虫病流行已得到有效控制。为巩固已取得的防治成果,防治策略应以健康教育、改水改厕和改善环境卫生为主,并继续做好监测、重点人群服药工作以及加强对外来人口土源性线虫病的防治。 Objective To analyze and summarize the epidemiological trend and control measures of soil-borne nematodes in Jiangsu Province in the past 20 years, evaluate the effect of prevention and treatment, and discuss the control strategies and measures suitable for the current epidemic characteristics. Methods The data of monitoring, control measures and control effects of soil-borne nematodes from 1990 to 2009 in Jiangsu Province were collected. The epidemic characteristics of different stages were analyzed and their control measures and their effects were evaluated. As a result, Jiangsu Province adopted different prevention and control programs in different stages of prevention and treatment. Over the past 20 years, a total of 106.6166 million people took preventive medicine and monitored 2,020,900 people. In 2009, the infection rate of soil-borne nematodes was 1.31%, down 97.79% from 59.32% in 1990, indicating that the control effect is very significant. Conclusion The prevalence of soil-borne nematodes in Jiangsu Province has been effectively controlled. In order to consolidate the achievements made in prevention and treatment, prevention and control strategies should focus on health education, water and sanitation improvement and environmental sanitation. We will continue to monitor and focus the population on drug use and prevention and control of soil-borne nematodes.
人物洋鸭、狐狸、呱呱蛙、花乌龟  地点江边  [早晨,江边。洋鸭戴着鸭舌帽,背着手,从漂亮的小木屋里走出来。]  洋鸭“竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。”古代诗人赞美我们鸭子先知先觉啊!嘎嘎,当一只聪明的鸭子,我很自豪。  [狐狸躲在屋旁,眯着眼睛打量小木屋。]  狐狸好漂亮的房子啊!  洋鸭狐狸,你好!  狐狸洋鸭,你出门干什么去?  洋鸭这么好的天气,我要到江里游泳。古人说得好,“春江水暖鸭先
<正> 钱钟书先生的《围城》名满天下,许多学者都称赞他的幽默,似有别于许多文学大师之幽默,如他不像鲁迅的《朝花夕拾》之幽默——鲁迅的保姆长妈妈在床上摆开一个大字,还把
认识我吧  这是甲骨文的石字。  在古代,经过打制的石头是最初的工具之一。
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