,Judicature Is a Reliable Guarantee for Human Rights

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“Respecting an densuring human rights”has been included in the General Provisions of the CriminalProcedure Law in an amendment tothe law after the term was writteninto the Constitution,and has beenspecified as an important task of theCriminal Procedure Law.As the finalguarantee for the implementationof the principle of“respecting andensuring human rights,”the People’sCourts pay much attention to hu-man rights protection in the field ofjustice.During fair and effective ju- “Respecting an densuring human rights” has been included in the General Provisions of the Criminal Proceedings Law in an amendment tothe law after the term was writteninto the Constitution, and has been classified as an important task of the Cabinet Procedure Law. As the final guarantee for the implementation of the principle of “respecting andensuring human rights, ” the People’s Courts pay much attention to hu-man rights protection in the field of justice.
辽宁大学文学院 辽宁 沈阳 110136  摘 要:陶渊明的文学成就在中国文学史上产生了巨大而深远的影响,他的诗歌、散文从古到今被人们所称赞与研究。新批评的“张力论”是新批评学派的重要发现,由最初对文本内部结构规律的研究,经过发展上升到一种系统的文学批评方法,采取一种哲学的态度发展成为一种方法论。这一重大发现,在西方产生深刻的影响。因此,借鉴“张力论”去研究陶渊明的诗歌或许可以得到不一样的新发现。
摘 要:笔者针对近年来学生特别是女生在体育课准备活动中积极性不高,效果不佳,于是在准备活动中引入了健美操。通过调查和实验,得出了健美操有以下作用:①健美操能促进学生专项技术的掌;②健美操作为准备活动能有利于预防运动性伤害事故发生;③健美操能调节外界环境带来的影响;④以健美操为主要内容的准备活动,更受学生喜爱能提高她们的学习积极性和主动性。以及拓宽健美操准备活动内容的可行性探讨。并且提出了自己的建议
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