Aconitum is the dry root of the black aconite of Ranunculaceae. Chinese medicine believes that there is a large poison of oxazinin in the heart, liver and spleen. Function rheumatism, cold pain, swelling. Treatment of cold dampness, joint pain, stroke phlegm, tetanus, partial headache, abdominal pain Leng Tong. However, because of its high toxicity, it takes a long time to decoct and it is difficult to concoct. It is often not used. The Mongolian doctors believe that oxazin is warm, light and toxic. In terms of function and indication, it is basically similar to traditional Chinese medicine. Mongolian medicine focuses on epidemic diseases, analgesia, and especially stubborn disease, both cold and hot. When used by Mongolian doctors, it is also concocted, used in multiple recipes, and is not used alone. Mongolian medicine is commonly used as a prescription of Aconitum, such as: Naru - 3 taste pill (Naru is its meaning is “Goddess”) The formula is: 300g medlar, 150g wolfberry, 90g. The above 3 flavors were crushed into fine powder, sieved and mixed to make water pills (10 tablets weighing 2g). 1 serving 3 to 5 capsules, once a day, the function of this side: In addition to “Sky Japan Wu Su” (that is similar to the theory of Chinese medicine wetness), Qufeng pain, cold. Indications: Rheumatism, cold heat, various syndromes, joint swelling, pain, low back pain, cold, toothache embolism.