2002年9月,贝尔实验室发布了一份引人注目的报告:曾被誉为实验室神童的简·H·比舍恩(Jan H Schon),原来是通过篡改实验数据的学术造假行为来编造突出的科研成果。对此事一直耿耿于怀的前《新科学家》杂志编辑尤金尼娅·雷思(Eugenie Reich),决定对舍恩的欺骗行为一探究竟。为了解舍恩不端行为的性质及对其研究事业的影响,雷思采访了126名科学家和期刊编辑,她的报道收录在其撰写的《神奇塑料:物理学领域的欺诈行为如何震撼世界》一书中。2009年6月,《美国科学家》在线编辑格雷格·罗斯(Greg Ross)电话采访了雷思。
In September 2002, Bell Labs released a compelling report: Jan H Schon, once acclaimed as a laboratory prodigy, turned out to be an academic counterfeiting attempt to tamper with experimental data Make outstanding achievements in scientific research. Eugenie Reich, a former editor of the New Scientist magazine who has always been emboldened by the matter, decided to scrutinize Schon’s deception. In an effort to understand the nature of Schön’s misconduct and its impact on her research career, Reith interviewed 126 scientists and journal editors. Her report included her article on “Magical Plastics: How Fraud in Physics Shook the World” A book. In June 2009, Ray Ross was interviewed by Greg Ross, the online editor of American scientists.