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  George (Host): And retailers are holding their breath this weekend hoping the experts are right when they predict a 1)banner holiday shopping season. They’re also taking action; extending Black Friday by opening some stores Thanksgiving night. For all of us buying this year, it might pay to be patient. Good evening, Lindsay.
  Lindsay (Reporter): Good evening, George. More than a 150 million people plan on shopping this Black Friday weekend. They’ll be hitting stores like this Best Buy which opens up Friday at midnight. But experts say, before you go, it pays to have a strategy. Wendy Laurens has food, sleeping bags and a tent. All the essentials for a seasoned bargain hunter.
  Wendy Laurens: We decided to come early this year, so we can be sure to be the first one get in the door.
  Lindsay: Millions will soon be joining her, hitting the stores early this year on Thanksgiving. Toys ‘R’Us opens at 9 p.m., Wal-Mart at 10 p.m. and then there’s Macy’s, Kohl’s, Best Buy, and Target—all opening at midnight. So, time for a little strategy. And the biggest advice: sometimes it’s best to hold off. For example, don’t buy toys; they’ll likely have greater discounts later with better buys the first two weeks of December. Hold off on top brand TVs. Black Friday is an excellent time to get a cheap TV but the best deals on brand names come later. And if you’re buying a 2)big-ticket item on sale, don’t buy all the little things that go with it like batteries which often are not on sale at the checkout counter. In fact, you may not even need to go into a store at all.
  Dan De Grandpre (CEO of dealnews.com): That’s really the No.1 strategy is to do some of that shopping online before you even wanna go to a store because so many of these stores that have Black Friday 3)doorbusters, will actually have those doorbusters available at the website.
   Lindsay: Of course there are things you’ll wanna take advantage of like video games and DVD and Bluray movies which will be deeply discounted through Sunday. And if you are hitting the stores this weekend bring along your smartphone. Apps like RedLaser by eBay allow you to snap a picture of the 4)UPC code on the item. And then it tells you which other stores sell the item for less. If you’re wondering what might possess people to camp outside of a store, well, feast your eyes on this: 42 inch Sharp flat screen TV. It’ll be selling for $200 on Black Friday. It would normally be two or three times that. George. George: That is a big saving. OK, Lindsey, thanks very much.
  黑色星期五(Black Friday)
Love is like the wild 1)rose-briar;  Friendship like the holly-tree.  The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms,  But which will bloom most constantly?  The wild rose-briar is sweet in the spring, 
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放眼望去,时尚杂志、女性杂志几乎是清一色的美女,封面女郎或是歌星、影星、名模,或是日益时尚的运动员,她们都有着好看的脸蛋,妙曼的身材。她们似乎都在传达着相同的信息:我漂亮,我成功,我自豪。而这一类杂志,不时会出现一些减肥妙方、节食大全等等。这一切都在提醒着女性读者:你不够美丽,要努力。于是,就真的有许多人为此而在不懈地努力着……  The celebrity trend for size zero
波浪般流动的细丝面  空中漂浮着的冰淇淋城堡  天空中遍布的羽毛山谷  从前我是这样看待天上的云  现在它们遮住了阳光  化作雨滴和雪花落在路人们身上  我本该完成更多的事  是云挡住了我前方的路  如今,我学会从不同的角度来看云  云端上俯看,大地上仰望,但我仍看不透原来我所知道的云只是我对云的幻想  我其实并不了解云  六月天,月光下,摩天轮里  尽情舞动时的眩晕感  童话故事终将成真  从前
要搬家了,那条过时的裙子,扔掉;那本没看完的书,扔掉;那个幼稚的杯子,扔掉……且慢,杯子幼稚不假,可那是你成长的经历;那裙子刚刚穿上的时候啥感觉,你穿着它去过什么地方?那本书可能是某人送你的,TA为什么要送给你?你为什么没看完?你曾经拥有的每一样东西,都记录着你的故事、你的人生,也许你要三思而行。   onsidering how much we love to shop, we generall
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不查不知道,一查吓一跳。原来中国在世界的整容榜上竟然名列前茅。这让小编不禁困惑:是真的吗?难道我是生活在真空里?可再仔细想想,身边的整容广告铺天盖地:出现在电视广播、地铁、公交车的各种整容广告让你无法忽视,还有俊男靓女和大叔大婶往行人手里塞的广告单。供需关系,这是最简单的经济原理了。既然这样,我们去了解一下把自己的身体放在手术刀下的人都在想些什么吧。  “To become a successfu
几个月前,你也许根本不知道卡莉·蕾·吉普森(Carly Rae Jepsen)是何许人也,因为当时的她,只不过是获得加拿大选秀节目——《加拿大偶像》第三名的歌手。虽然外形清新、声音甜美而不失个人风格,她也很快地在2008年发行了个人的首张专辑《Tug of War》,但却似乎反响平平。  直到一首红遍大街小巷、勇夺各大音乐榜单冠军宝座的神曲——《Call Me Maybe》才让卡莉尝到了爆红的滋味