Case description Example 1: week, 16 years old, male. Hot flashes, night sweats, weight loss March. Physical examination: T38 ℃, cardiopulmonary (A), abdominal bulging flexible, several lumps tenderness, liver and spleen (a) ascites. Hb8.0 / dl, ESR114mm / h, total protein 5.2g / dl, normal renal function. X-ray examination: left pulmonary tuberculosis, abdominal tuberculosis. Ascites exudate, the grass Lancaster and acid-fast bacteria (1). Japanese service RFP0.45g, INH0.3g, SM0.375g intramuscular injection 2 times. 14 days after the liver area pain, nausea and vomiting, no appetite. Liver 1cm, soft tenderness. Jaundice index 8u, ZnTT18u, iodine test (+) bilirubin 1.1mg / dl, GPT76u (normal 27u), AKP, HbsAg, normal renal function. WBC8500, N70%, E5%. Stop taking RFP, plus service inosine, prednisone, 14 days after the symptoms disappeared, normal liver function. Example 2: Xiao, 48 years old, female. Hot flashes, abdominal distension, anorexia, force daily INH0.3g, RTP0.6g, intramuscular SM0.75g