目前由于平菇的市场价格偏低,如何降低生产成本,我们试验成功的平菇菌种块,解决了这个问题。现将其制作技术作一介绍: 材料主要用玉米芯(也称玉米轴),将其铡成5mm的薄块,直径一般都在3cm左右,使用前2天用3%的石灰水浸泡24小时,然后沥去多余的水分。配方为玉米芯80%,棉子壳10%,麸皮8%,石灰2%,另加磷酸二氢钾0.1%,料水比为1:1.2,pH值灭菌前达到10
At present, due to the low market price of mushrooms, how to reduce production costs, we test the successful mushroom strains, to solve this problem. Now its production technology for an introduction: The material mainly corncob (also known as corn shaft), its 铡 into 5mm thin, generally about 3cm in diameter, 2 days before use with 3% lime water for 24 hours , And then drain the excess water. The formula is corn cob 80%, cotton seed shell 10%, bran 8%, lime 2%, plus potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.1%, the ratio of material to water is 1: 1.2, before pH value reaches 10