Russia built many new metallurgical plants during the days of Peter the Great (1672-1725). Therefore, Russia’s mining and metallurgical industry in the eighteenth century is a lot of growth. For the four years between 1720 and 1724, Russia’s pig iron production increased to 1.165 million Pood from 7.3 million pound (33 pound to a pluto). In the 1616 years between 1716 and 1732, Russia’s rail transit to the United Kingdom increased from 2200 Pouls to 200,000 Pouches; and by the second half of the 18th century Britain, more than a third of the iron needed was Russia shipped to Russia, the production of iron at the time accounted for the first in the world. At that time all the power sources in the general factory and mine - the engine, just waterwheel. Due to the development of the metallurgical industry, there are also limited conditions for water tankers (such as: due to the topography and current