不同于AlphaGo在围棋界的高调,人工智能在金融业已悄悄运作数年。2007年美国公司Rebellion Research推出了第一个纯AI投资基金,成功预测了2008年股市崩盘;掌管900亿美元的对冲基金Cerebellum也使用了人工智能技术,从2009年以来没有一个月是亏损的;2016年初,香港公司Aidyia开启了一个完全用人工智能来进行股票交易的对冲基金,不需要任何人为干预。近两年,随着深度学习带来算法上的突破,人工智能正在各行业酝酿新一轮变革浪潮。其中,金融业由于其数
Unlike AlphaGo’s high profile in the Go world, artificial intelligence has quietly been in the financial industry for years. In 2007, American company Rebellion Research launched its first pure AI investment fund, which successfully predicted the 2008 stock market crash. Cerebellum, a $ 90 billion hedge fund, also used artificial intelligence technology and has not lost money in a month since 2009; In early 2016, Aidyia, a Hong Kong company, started a hedge fund that uses artificial intelligence entirely for stock trading without any human intervention. In the past two years, as deep learning has brought about an algorithmic breakthrough, artificial intelligence is brewing a new wave of change in various industries. Among them, the financial industry due to its number