阿奎那的特指质料学说对古希腊的质料学说不仅有所继承,而且也有所改造,是其自然哲学中乃至其整个神哲学体系中一项特别具有创意的内容。本文以阿奎那的原著为基础,在对其质料类型学和特指质料发生学做出比较深入分析的基础上,着重阐述了特指质料的实存论性质、生成机制和生成功能及其在基督宗教神学史上和西方哲学史上的学术意义,并对台湾学者对materia signata一词的中文翻译作了批评性考察。
Aquinas’ s theory of specific materials not only inherited the ancient Greece’s material doctrine, but also made some innovations in its natural philosophy and even its entire system of divine philosophy. On the basis of Aquinas’ s original works, this thesis, based on a comparatively thorough analysis of its material typology and specific material genetics, focuses on the existential nature, generative mechanism and generative function of specific materials The academic significance in the history of Christian religious theology and the history of western philosophy, and criticized the Taiwanese scholars for the Chinese translation of the word materia signata.