随着新千年 ,新时代的步伐 ,随着社会的进步 ,科学的发展 ,信息新技术叠出 ,新的检索内容、检索手段不断产生 ,传统的媒体和检索工具、检索方式不断发生新的变化 ,人们的信息意识、信息观念的更新 ,文献检索课将以新的变革来适应新时期的用户的新的要求。“创新”是前进之动力
With the pace of the new millennium and the new era, with the progress of the society, the development of science, the accumulation of new information technologies, the continuous development of new search contents and means of search, and the continuous changes of the traditional media, search tools and search methods , People’s awareness of information, the concept of information updates, literature retrieval courses will be a new change to adapt to the new requirements of the new user. “Innovation” is the driving force for progress