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苏北沿海南起长江北岸,北抵赣榆县锈针河,海岸线长738公里,包括南通、盐城、连云港三个市的十三个县(市).土地总面积3216.75万亩;另外,滩涂面积713.42万亩,其中可供开发利用的土地523.16万亩,海堤内外总面积,占全省土地总面积的25.3%.沿海气候温和湿润,以灌灌总渠为界线,渠北属南暖温带,渠南属北亚热带,并具有季风性和海洋性特征.年平均气温13.2—15℃,年降雨量900—1050毫米,无霜期210—250天.灾害性天气比较频繁,主要是台风、冰雹、暴雨、寒流等,对农、林业生产很不利.沿海土壤老海堤内,为盐碱土,以废黄河为界,北部多粘壤土,南部多粉沙土和沙壤土.PH值一般在7.5—8.5之间,土壤中盐份主要为氯化钠,南部因地势较高,水系较好,耕作年代较久,土壤盐份(指氯化钠, Along the north coast of the Yangtze River in the north of Jiangsu Province, it reaches the rust needle river of Ganyu County in the north, and the coastline is 738 kilometers in length, covering 13 counties (cities) in Nantong, Yancheng and Lianyungang with a total land area of ​​32,167,500 mu. In addition, An area of ​​7,134,200 mu, of which 523.16 mu of land for development and utilization, the total area inside and outside the seawall, accounting for 25.3% of the total land area of ​​the province .Mean coastal climate is mild and humid, with irrigation canals as the boundary, drainage north is warm Temperate and drainage south of the subtropical north, and has the characteristics of monsoon and marine. The annual average temperature of 13.2-15 ℃, annual rainfall of 900-1050 mm, frost-free period 210-250 days. Severe weather is frequent, mainly typhoons, hail , Heavy rains, cold currents and so on, which are unfavorable to agriculture and forestry production.The coastal seawall is composed of saline-alkali soil, waste-yellow river bounded, northern multi-clay soil, southern multi-powder sand and sandy loam.The PH value is generally between 7.5-8.5 Between the soil salt is mainly sodium chloride, the southern high because of the terrain, the water system is better, farming for a long time, soil salinity (referring to sodium chloride,
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