A faded flower——Tess of the D’Urbervilles

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  Abstract Tess of the D’Urbervilles is the most influential work of Thomas Hardy; this novel shows us a continuous fighter-Tess who struggle with the fate, she is a beautiful and kind-hearted, hard-working but simple, and self-esteemed female. She care about her family more than herself, she love her husband much more than herself. But eventually didn’t escape from the control of the fate. And send on the guillotines as a murderer. Her tragedy result from many factors, this article is to describe the society factor, and then begins to analysis Tess’ family environment and Tess’ own weakness in character.
  Keywords Tragedy; Social Influence; Family Environment; Character
  Tess of the D'Urbervilles is a famous novel of Thomas Hardy. And the heroine Tess was a tragedy role, who comes from a farmer’s family. She was a beautiful girl, pure, kind, toughness and Integrity. Due to poverty, she has to works to Alec D’Urbervilles, then seduced by Alec, and gave birth to an illegitimate child. Because of the" sin", Tess was despised. Under great pressure, coupled with the child died, Tess has to leave home and goes to work at a distant dairy farm. There she meet Angel Claire, under Angel’s persistent pursuit, the two people fall in love and got married. While in the wedding night, Tess told Claire her past, Claire abandoned her, leaves her in disgust. Later on so as to save poor family out, as well as Alec’s continues temptation , Tess became Alec's mistress, but Angel Claire, who is remorseful for his mercilessness, comes back, And his arrival makes Tess even more desperate. She stabs Alec and kills him. On the way of their escape, she was arrested and sentenced to be hanged.
  Social factors
  1. Hypocritical Capitalism Morals View and unequal social statue are key factors which lead to Tess’ tragedy
  Tess was lived in the Victorian era, capitalism invasion the England rural. Tess’ tragedy stands for the women’s fate of her era. At that time, men and women’s status in marriage and love can never be equal, women were at the bottom of the society, they “have no social status, be exclusion, endure the pain, regarded as procreate machine, living for men” are women’ destine. Man raped a woman is thought reasonable, while as a victim of women, they are blamed as “sin”. This false and cruel view is based on the traditional culture bias over female chastity. So no matter how brave Tess was, her resistance is in vain. Tess is the victim of this unfair ethics and moral values. Under this evaluation, once a woman loses virginity means loss the identity as a member of society. The insult and persecution to Tess is thought justified. It is this kind of society environment and moral standard that made Tess’ tragedy.   2. Tess’ tragedy on the other hand results from bankruptcy peasant class of 19th century.
  As a decayed noble, she has to keep chicken for Alec D’Urbervilles to support family, and because of her bankruptcy, she got into worker. She has no independent economic support; manual labor is the only way of living. Tess was seduced is a chance, but inevitable. It is because of poverty that made Tess go to tragedy step by step. Tess has no money to buy horses for family, except for raising chickens for Alec D’Urbervilles. After Tess was raped by Alec, she had to endure others condemnation and continue to work outside. When she married to her lover Claire, Claire abandoned her on hearing that Tess’ past, so Tess trap in great pain and poverty, for the sake of the life of her family, she had to ask Alec for help, which leads to Tess’ tragic directly.
  Family factor
  Family’s poverty and parents’ failing in their duty were the most direct reason of Tess’s claim kinship to Alec.
  Tess was born in a family of poor rural tradesman with many children; her father was a drunkard and didn’t work hard, he heard the priest that he was aristocratic descent by a chance, and got proudly, so boast it everywhere. He drank a lot and can not go out to work. Tess’ mother was likes a child and never thought about future. While she heard that they are aristocratic descent, she got over excided and urged Tess to claim kinship with a noble D’Urbervilles family in the hope of Tess would merry a noble man so as to change the family’s poor condition, even when Tess seduced by the young master Alec, and rejected to marry him, Tess’ mother fell rather upset and disappointed. She never thought it roots from her never warning the danger Tess would face with. What is more serious is that Tess’ father died away, which led their life worse and worse. It was parents’ dereliction of their duty that led Tess fell into series troubles and step into a no-return road.
  Besides social and family factors, to certain extent, Tess’ tragedy is decided by her own character, like less education, lack of self-confidence and Self-consciousness, and she didn’t recognize the value of survival.
  generally speaking , in a social, the same educated people get the same kind of job, what led Tess to do physical work is lack of education. She can’t got a job with a higher social position and high salary. When Tess and her family trapped in poverty, she had to depend on Alec. On the other side, it was because lack of education, she read less kooks in which tells knowledge about how to differentiate men’s tricks. If education problem keeps unsolved, women’s tragedy like Tess will still exist, women all along are men’s victims.   2. Compromise character.
  In her character also contains a conservative ethical concept. When criticized by the fellow people, she also thought of herself as a" guilty", it inevitably led to her inner torment and condemn. And her compromise character also reflected in her relationship with Claire, It should be equal between lovers, but Tess always debased herself, raising Claire, This is how strong, passionately but humble love to Claire. To her tragic past, Claire didn’t give forgiveness, while Claire deserted her; she did nothing to against him. Her one by one letters can’t awake Claire’s frozen heart. She lost herself, and lost her dignity.
  3. Her inferior mentality
  Tess fell into great pain after she lost chaste, but her inferior mentality doubled her pain. She judged herself according to traditional ethics and public opinion which twist her normal psychology, and made a wrong judgment to her behavior. She could not remove the heavy cross on he shoulders.
  4. Lack of self consciousness
  Tess’ love is a mass. She wanders between two men. She always considers the needs of others, but neglecting hers. In the patriarchal society, she put herself in the position of attachment and have no subjectivity, and standing at the edge of society. She is full of the spirit of self-sacrifice, tolerant enough, and with a pure heart.
  To sum up, the author shows us an ill-fated girl of the period of Vitoria and her true feelings.,She is in the struggle against fate, environmental, social biases and because of many restricted reasons, eventually fell down. This kind of tragic was not just a chance, and didn’t take place only on Tess. From this tragic, leave us a deep contemplation to that age.
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