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金融危机正在不断蔓延到各个行业,给全球经济带来巨大冲击,时间之长、范围之广实属罕见,印刷企业特别是包装印刷企业深受其害。江西地处内陆,经济欠发达,包装印刷业经过改革开放30年的发展,有了长足的进步,逐步由弱到强,一条条包装印刷生产线落户江西,改变了江西包装印刷业落后的面貌。目前,江西全省已有437家包装印刷企业,且各具特色。2008年,虽然遭受金融危机的冲击,但事实上仍呈现了较好的发展势头,增长还比较快,全省印刷工业总产值达到50亿元人民币,其中包装印刷板块占据了半壁江山。进入2009年,随着金融危机的蔓延,经济环境对包装印刷业的不利影响才逐渐显现出来,以外单为主的包装加工业务首当其冲,以内需为主的包装加工业务也出现萎缩,这主要是因为包装印刷行业的上游产业不景气,直接导致了包装印刷业务的下降,如多米诺骨牌一般,出现了连锁反应。 The financial crisis is spreading to all walks of life. It has brought tremendous impact on the global economy. It takes a long time and a wide range to spread. It is rare for printing companies, especially the packaging and printing enterprises. Jiangxi is located in the interior, the economy is less developed, the packaging and printing industry after 30 years of reform and opening up the development has made great strides, and gradually from weak to strong, a packaging and printing production line settled in Jiangxi Province, changing the backwardness of the packaging and printing industry in Jiangxi . At present, there are 437 packaging and printing enterprises in Jiangxi province, each with its own characteristics. In 2008, although suffering from the impact of the financial crisis, it still showed a good momentum of development in fact, and the growth rate was still relatively fast. The province’s total output value of printing industry reached 5 billion yuan, of which half was occupied by packaging and printing plates. Into 2009, with the spread of the financial crisis, the adverse impact of the economic environment on the packaging and printing industry has gradually emerged, the first outside the packaging and processing business bear the brunt of the domestic demand-led packaging and processing business also shrink, mainly Because the packaging and printing industry upstream industry downturn, a direct result of the decline in packaging and printing business, such as dominoes in general, appeared a chain reaction.
国家发改委原副主任刘铁男受贿案的一审宣判,揭开了滥用审批权黑幕的一角。作为国家核心权力部门负责人,刘铁男依靠国家政策,利用行政审批漏洞进行权钱交易,情节之恶劣令人触目惊心。  尽管近些年来国家实行“审批权瘦身”,但一些涉及公众利益、有限资源分配、垄断性企业等问题的事项仍然需要行政审批,这其中以重大工业项目集中的发改委尤为突出。  由于审批的数量、分布大都需要依据国家政策来确定,于是这个过程中滋生了