9月8日,全省消防部队执勤岗位练兵对抗赛在合肥举行。消防业务理论、指挥员战法演讲、3000米跑、爬绳、个人抢险救援操,各消防支队“短兵相接”,精彩纷呈。 “小将”初征 阜阳市消防支队抽中了8号上午首先进行的“个人抢险救援操”的一号签,这是整个比赛中最为精彩、也是难度较大的一个环节。要想爆个“开门红”,大家都估计首先派出场的将是一员富于比赛经验的“老将”,可在掌声中冲出烟雾室的第一位选手王杰,那沾满黑灰的脸上分明还能看见一缕未脱的稚气。一打听,这还是一名新兵,同时也是支队5名参赛选手中惟一的一名士兵。
September 8, the province’s fire brigade duty training positions held in Hefei. Fire business theory, commanders tactics speech, 3000 meters run, climbing rope, personal rescue operations, the fire brigade, “close combat” brilliant. “The teenager” preliminary Fuyang fire brigade drawn in the morning of the 8th the first “personal rescue operation” on the 1st sign, which is the most exciting game, but also a more difficult part. To burst a “good start,” we all estimated that the first to be dispatched will be an experienced veteran who can get out of the smoke chamber in the applause of the first player Wang Jie, that covered with dark gray Can clearly see the face of a ray of not childish childish. Inquire, this is a recruiter, but also the only one of five contestants in the detachment.