根据建设部建〔 2001〕 141号文的要求,各地将逐步淘汰人工挖孔桩等工艺落后、危险性大的施工方法。但就目前全国各地建筑施工现场来看,因人工挖孔桩设备投资少、施工技术相对简单、经济效益较好等原因,在基础施工作业中,人工挖孔桩仍非常普遍。本刊发表此文,旨在强调人工挖孔桩施工的安全措施,供参改。
According to the requirements of the Ministry of Construction [2001] No. 141, all localities will gradually eliminate construction methods such as manual digging piles that are backward and dangerous. However, at present, from the perspective of construction sites across the country, manual digging piles are still common in foundation construction operations due to reasons such as less investment in manual digging piles, relatively simple construction techniques, and good economic returns. This article published this article to emphasize the safety measures for manual digging pile construction for reference.