Singapore: A City in Forests and Forests in a City

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  From a poor fishing village to a garden city
  Singapore was "in a mess" before and after the independence in the 1950s and 1960s. To reverse poverty, the government vigorously developed labor-intensive industries, which caused serious environmental problems such as water pollution and air pollution. In addition to the pollution, it also led to many infectious agents. Singaporeans suffered physically and psychologically.
  Lee Kuan Yew, former Prime Minister of Singapore, attached great importance to this and immediately enacted a series of coping strategies to make the city a scenery feast for the eyes step by step. From a poor small fishing village to a famous "garden city ", Singapore only used less than half a century, and an important reason is that the government always puts the environmental protection in the first place at every crucial moment.
  Vendors were one of the headaches in market management. Because of the lack of normative management, vendors in Singapore often dumped garbage regardless of the environment so that many pests spread bacteria to cause many infectious diseases. In 1968, the Singapore government regulated that all vendors should register and had business licenses. It was found that of more than 24,000 vendors, 18,000 had no fixed booths. Then the government spent 15 years to establish hawker centers in a network across the country to enable each vendor to do business in a fixed stall. The improved hawker centers are equipped with perfect food processing places, sewerage systems, clean water sources and modern sanitation. Hawker centers in Singapore are also listed as "one of the one thousand places people must visit in their lifetime”.
  The Singapore River throughout the city is the river of life in Singapore. Its geographical position is very important. Long time ago, the immigrants from all over the world relied on the river to make a living. But the pollution was extremely serious: the riverside was full of sludge, and even the animals’ corpses; people on the ships docked at the shore littered rubbish regardless of the environmental; the whole river smelt stink. In the face of this, Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew said, "In 10 years, we will fish in the Singapore River and Kallang River. We will make it." So, large scale activities started on Singapore River. Nearly thirty thousand households, backyard industries and poultry farms were methodically moved to right places. At the same time, they beautified the embankments and the surrounding environment. Now the Singapore River is tree-lined with pleasant beach scenery. On coastal waterways, the first reservoir in the city was built. It also attracted many visitors and expanded the gathering area of fresh water.   In addition, Singapore has also established the sewage and rainwater diversion collection system to prevent water pollution, purify the air, use the sustainable method of processing the rubbish and strengthen energy efficiency to tackle climate change. Finally, “national environmental protection” is no longer a dream. Singaporean people use their hands to build a homeland they dreamed of.
  High standards, strict requirements, and strong enforcement
  Former Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew said: "After independence, I have tried every means to find out a striking method to show to the world that Singapore is not the same as other third world countries. In the end, I chose the plan to build Singapore into a clean and green city. One of my strategies is to make Singapore become the oasis of Southeast Asia, reaching the level of the first world and make the businessmen and tourists from the developed countries regard here as a base for business and travel". It is not hard to learn from this passage how Lee Kuan Yew regards this emerging country. It uses the features characterized by green and environmental protection to attract foreign investment and tourists. While developing the economy, it also makes Singapore well known as an oasis city in the world.
  Singapore's industrialization process made the government aware of the emergency of environmental protection. In the prime minister's government, an anti-pollution department was set up, and then the environment development department was set up to be responsible for environmental protection and management. Then a series of environmental protection regulations and standards were made and improved to control industrial pollution. In addition to the control of the pollution sources, Singapore has special legislation for green buildings. In December 2012, the Act on Building Control act required buildings to meet the lowest standards for green logos. Special regulations will take effect in January 2014. Singapore will become one of the earliest countries that enforce green standards of existing buildings in the world.
  Actually, legal regulations cannot fundamentally solve the environmental problems on a nationwide scale. In terms of execution, the Singaporean government uses the system model with the integration of prevention, law enforcement, supervision and education. The law enforcement officers in Singapore in the process of urban greening are "stable, accurate and strict".   The stringency of the Singaporean government is world-famous. The signs that "Littering is fined 1000 Singapore dollars” can be seen on every bus. Violators who throw cigarette butts, spit, break off flowers and branches, destroy the lawn, drive the vehicles emitting black smoke will unexceptionally receive tickets. If they don't pay the fine on time, they will be cited by the court. The Singapore's law enforcement was too tough to be reasonable and even reached the extent of violating human rights, in that those who made malicious destruction to the environment would be harshly lashed. For those people who destruct the public environment, they must wear yellow jackets with the words "rubbish worms" to clean the street. This punishment can make them be disgraced and frightened, which can completely eradicate the possibility of a repeated criminal.
  Through sound laws, careful planning, strict law enforcement and management in place, environmental goals such as "clean water, fresh air, clean land, safe food, beautiful living environment and a low rate of infectious diseases" advocated by the Singaporean government have been basically realized and the remedy to the industrial environment hangover is also effective.
  Green buildings everywhere
  Environmental protection in Singapore is reflected in public health as well as many world famous advanced green buildings. Walking in streets in Singapore, in addition to enjoying the blue sky, the white clouds and the flowers and trees on both sides of the streets, you will often encounter a "green" building established according to international building standards.
  The building of Singapore’s Construction Bureau is the first zero-carbon building and the model building of Singapore. Natural lighting, solar power, natural vegetation visors are the biggest characteristics. The whole building is integrated with many green designs and technologies such as integrated lighting, and ventilation, clean and renewable energy and green plants.
  Republic Plaza situated in the centre of Singapore business financial center is the landmark of urban development of commercial projects and one of the tallest buildings in Singapore. This building was awarded the prizes of “Green Mark Platinum (2012)”, “Green Mark Gold Award (2005)” and "The World's Best Real Estate (1997)".
  In the process of constructing green buildings, developers took an active part and consumers were willing to buy them. With mutual trust and cooperation, Singapore enterprises’ green participation has jumped to the highest level in the world. It is estimated that in 2015 89% of the Singapore enterprises will implement green projects.
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