(一)高标准规划,多渠道筹资,加快港口基础设施的建设步伐 我区港口建设起步晚,港口设施不够完善,港口物流量较少。要根据区域特点制定物流发展战略规划,把建设区域石油化工物流枢纽和集装箱(散货)集散地确定为港口物流发展的远期目标;近期内,要把发展区域石油化工物流枢纽确定为物流业发展的重点。以石油化工物流枢纽为主,兼顾一般性集装箱码头,统一规划,分步招商。 物流基础设施建设要与物流发展规划相适应。要加快港口基础设施的建设进度,加快港口、铁路、高速公路互联互通;加强港口信息基础设施建设,加快口岸建设进度,打造高速通关、优质服务品牌。
(A) high standards of planning, multi-channel financing to speed up the pace of the construction of port infrastructure Port construction in our district started late, the port facilities are not perfect, less port logistics. According to the regional characteristics of the development of strategic planning for logistics development, the construction of regional petrochemical logistics hub and container (bulk) distribution center identified as the long-term goal of port logistics development; in the near future, we should determine the development of regional petrochemical logistics hub for the logistics industry development the key of. The main petrochemical logistics hub, taking into account the general container terminals, unified planning, step by step Merchants. Logistics infrastructure construction and logistics development planning to adapt. To speed up the progress of infrastructure construction in the port, speed up the interoperability of ports, railways and highways, strengthen the construction of port information infrastructure, accelerate the construction of ports and build a high-speed customs clearance and quality service brand.