相对湿度(Relative humidity,RH)是很多实验过程的关键环境参数之一,RH控制对同步辐射在线实验尤为重要。基于单片机的动态控制,研制了一套便于加载至同步辐射实验线站在线使用的小型数控式RH控制装置。该装置使用微型气泵抽取潮湿空气和干燥空气分别构建了加湿和除湿两个通道对控湿腔体内RH进行动态平衡。采用模糊控制算法通过单片机实时控制RH的变化。该装置能将RH控制在20%-94%,误差为±1.0%;能以固定速度控制RH稳定上升(20%-90%)或稳定下降(90%-20%),误差为±1.5%;能在湿度上升、稳定和下降三个工作模式之间快速切换,可满足同步辐射在线实验对湿度控制的多种需求。
Relative humidity (RH) is one of the key environmental parameters of many experimental processes. RH control is especially important for on-line synchrotron radiation experiments. Based on the dynamic control of SCM, a set of small-sized CNC RH control device that is easy to load to synchrotron radiation experiment station is developed. The device uses a miniature air pump to extract humid air and dry air to respectively build two channels of humidification and dehumidification to dynamically balance the RH in the humidity control chamber. Adopt fuzzy control algorithm to control the change of RH in real time through single chip microcomputer. The device can control the RH at 20% -94% with an error of ± 1.0%. It can control the steady rise (20% -90% RH) or the steady decline (90% -20%) of the RH at a constant speed with the error of ± 1.5% ; Can quickly switch between the three working modes of rising humidity, stabilizing and descending to meet various requirements of synchrotron radiation online experiment on humidity control.