写戏难,写现代戏更难。现代戏要做到思想性、艺术 性、观赏性这“三性”的统一尤其难。成功需要超越,超越必然艰难。 题材的超越。一个戏成功与否,选准题材至关重要。现实生活日新月异,绚丽多姿。各类题材车载斗量,异彩纷呈,可是,并非任何现实题材都适合写现代戏。我们认为适合写现代戏的题材,应具备以下三个因素:思想有分量,独特人物,有戏有情。思想有分量,才能令人震撼,产生共鸣;人物独特,才能让人有新奇感,激发兴趣;有戏有情,才能引人入胜,雅俗共赏。《山杠爷》这个题材就具备这些因素。我们选中小说《山杠爷》,还有段有趣的经历。两年多前,我们到四川北部农村深入生活,准备创作反映“民工潮”的作品。民工潮可是热点题材啊!又新鲜,又重大,又丰富,应该写出好戏来。然而随着生活的深入,接触的人越多,掌握的素材越丰富,就越感到困惑与矛盾。毋
Write a drama difficult to write modern drama harder. It is especially difficult to realize the unity of “three nature” of modern drama in ideology, artistry and ornamentation. Success needs to go beyond the inevitable difficult. Beyond the theme. A successful drama or not, the selection of topics is crucial. Real life ever-changing, colorful. All kinds of subject matter car load, colorful, however, not any realistic subject matter are suitable for writing modern drama. We believe that the theme suitable for writing modern drama should have the following three factors: the weight of thought, unique characters, playfulness. Thought has the weight, can make people shake, resonate; unique character, can make people have a sense of novelty, stimulate interest; playfulness, in order to be fascinating, elegant and popular. “Hill Club” this theme will have these factors. We selected the novel “Hill Club”, there are some interesting experience. More than two years ago, we went to the countryside in the northern part of Sichuan for an in-depth study and prepared to create works reflecting the “migrant workers tide.” Migrant workers hot but hot topics ah! Fresh, big, rich, should write a good show. However, with the deepening of life, the more people who come into contact with the more abundant materials, the more confused and contradictory it is. not