1990~1998年我们对116例脑卒中患者进行了脑脊液电解质分析研究,报告如下。1 病例与方法1.1 病例:116例患者中脑出血56例,男39例,女17例;年龄46~82岁,平均62.2岁;平均病程1.5日。脑梗死60例,男40例,女20例;年龄32~83岁,平均61.3岁;平均病程3.3日。患者均行脑脊液和颅脑CT?
From 1990 to 1998, 116 cases of stroke patients were analyzed for cerebrospinal fluid electrolytes, the report is as follows. 1 cases and methods 1.1 cases: 116 patients with cerebral hemorrhage in 56 cases, 39 males and 17 females; aged 46 to 82 years, mean 62.2 years; the average duration of 1.5 days. 60 cases of cerebral infarction, 40 males and 20 females; aged 32 to 83 years, mean 61.3 years; the average duration of 3.3 days. Patients underwent cerebrospinal fluid and brain CT?