西方某些国家 如美国、德国等的一些医院无门诊药房,有的虽有门诊药房,但规模也不大。这是为什么呢? 原因有三 一、这是由于:这些国家社区卫生事业很发达,患一般疾病的患者可到附近社区内小医院、门诊部或诊所诊治。这些社区医院和诊所虽是私人开设,但医疗水平、医疗设备并不差,且医疗服务好,离住家近,看病方便,可节省很多时间,与大、中医院相比医疗费用低很多。国外医院的医疗服务费昂贵,据美国朋友
Some hospitals in some Western countries, such as the United States and Germany, do not have outpatient pharmacies, and some have outpatient pharmacies, but they are not very large scale. This is why? There are three reasons for this. This is due to the fact that these countries have a well-developed community health service. Patients with common diseases can go to small hospitals, clinics or clinics in nearby communities for treatment. Although these community hospitals and clinics are privately established, medical standards and medical equipment are not bad, and medical services are good. They are close to their homes and are convenient for medical treatment. They can save a lot of time, and have much lower medical costs compared with major and traditional Chinese medicine hospitals. Foreign hospitals have expensive medical services, according to U.S. friends