我国以往有关乙肝基因工程疫苗的研究多以儿童为主 ,对成人的研究未见报道。为了获得乙肝基因工程疫苗接种人群的免疫效果 ,本研究采用重组酵母乙肝疫苗 (recombinantyeast-derivedhepatitisBvaccine,YDV)免疫 2 2~ 58岁小学教师
In the past, most of the researches on genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccine in our country were children, but no studies on adults were reported. In order to obtain the immune effect of genetically engineered vaccinated hepatitis B patients, this study used recombinant yeast-derived hepatitis B vaccine (YDV) to immunize 2 ~ 58-year-old primary school teachers