1 诊 断 根据病史、症状、体征和检查 ,考虑诊断为 :G1P0妊娠晚期子宫自发性破裂 ;胎盘早剥 ;胎儿窘迫 ;腹腔内出血 ;休克 ;贫血 (中度 )。2 诊断依据及分析2 .1 妊娠晚期突然下腹痛是本例最突出的症状。患者半小时前无明显诱因突然出现下腹疼痛 ,呈持续性胀痛 ,无阴道
1 diagnosis based on history, symptoms, signs and checks, consider the diagnosis: G1P0 third trimester uterine spontaneous rupture; placental abruption; fetal distress; intraperitoneal hemorrhage; shock; anemia (moderate). 2 based on the diagnosis and analysis of 2.1 sudden pregnancy in the next lower abdominal pain is the most prominent symptoms of this case. Patients with no obvious incentive for a half an hour before the sudden onset of abdominal pain, persistent pain, no vaginal