近年来 ,由于诸多因素的影响 ,学生课外生活面小 ,课外阅读量少 ,学生习作往往无内容可写 ,无话可说 ,教师的指导也常常感到困惑 ,提高学生写作能力极其困难。如何就地取材 ,尽可能打开学生思路呢 ?我的体会是 :注重阅读积累 ,挖掘学生生活 ,激活学生灵感 ,从模仿入手 ,使之脑
In recent years, due to the influence of many factors, students’ extra-curricular life is small and there are few extra-curricular readings. Students often have no content to write, there is nothing to say, teachers’ guidance is often confused, and it is extremely difficult to improve students’ writing ability. How to draw materials locally and try to open students’ ideas as much as possible? My experience is: pay attention to reading and accumulation, excavate student life, activate student inspiration, start from the imitation, make the brain