A Closer Look at Haunted Happenings

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In 1964, TV cameraswere taken to England.NBC wanted to do a TVshow on haunted houses.One of the most interesting oldhomes was a house called Longleat.The TV team talked to people whohad seen or heard ghosts in thehouse. One of the people was theMarquess of Bath. Her ancestorshad lived in the house. She told of a ghost called theGreen Lady. A family picture ofher shows a lady in a green gown.Her name was Lady LouisaCarteret. One of Lord Bath’s, an-cestors had married her in 1735. In 1964, TV cameraswere taken to England. NBC wanted to do a TVshow on haunted houses. One of the most interesting oldhomes was a house called Longleat. TV team talked to people whohad seen or heard ghosts in thehouse. One of the people was The Marquess of Bath. Her ancestorshad lived in the house. She told of a ghost called theGreen Lady. A family picture ofher shows a lady in a green gown. Her name was Lady LouisaCarteret. One of Lord Bath’s, an-cestors had married her in 1735.
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I’m writing this letter slow because I know you can’tread fast.We don’t live where we did when you lefthome.Your dad read in the newspaper that most ac-cide