羽书颠倒司农印,幕府纵横急就章”。这是近代思想家、诗人龚自珍《咏史》中的诗句,说的是古代紧急公文上的印章来不及盖端正,而幕府中的幕僚们常常赶任务起草文书匆促成篇。 古代从事秘书工作的幕僚,不少是历史上有名的文学家、文章家。他们博闻强记,才思敏捷,秉笔直书,一挥而就,因而名垂青史,留下了一则则“纵横急就章”的写作佳话。 史称“建安七子”中的陈琳、阮瑀,都担任曹操的
This book is a verse by modern thinker and poet Gong Zizhen's “Ode to History”, saying that the seal on the ancient emergency documentary was too late to correct the mistakes while the aides in the shogunate often rush to drafting Hurriedly into an article .Ancient secretary engaged in the work of the aides, many historians, famous writer, essayist .Bu Wenqiang remember, agile, Bingzhi straight book, waved, hence the name of history, leaving a Then the “vertical and horizontal anxious chapter” writing story.City history, “Jian seven” in the Chen Lin, Nguyen Ngai, as Cao Cao's