“我们要用正面典型激励自己,用反面案例提醒自己,不断提升自己的责任感和使命感。”这是大庆油田采油一厂三矿广大员工在听取专题党课时候所发出的郑重宣言。对于“七·一”党的生日,广大石油石化员工有着自己的理解。他们通过举办党课、开展主题党日活动、组织党的理论知识测试以及表彰“先优”等多种形式,纪念中国共产党成立94周年。让我们共同分享他们的喜悦。欢迎互动,@zgsyqy或[email protected]。
“We should use the positive model to motivate ourselves and use the negative case to remind ourselves and constantly improve our sense of responsibility and mission. ” This is a solemn declaration issued by the general staff of the No. 3 Mine of Daqing Oilfield Oilfield Production Factory during special subject lectures. For the birthday of the “seven one ” party, the majority of petroleum and petrochemical employees have their own understanding. They commemorate the 94th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party through organizing party classes, carrying out thematic party activities, organizing the testing of the party’s theoretical knowledge, and commending the “first excellent” and other forms. Let us share their joy together. Welcome to interaction, @ zgsyqy or [email protected].