细观画家吴东奋的近作,不难发现,他的新作既不乏传统功力,又以一种刚健、雄强的崭新面貌不同于以往工笔画工整、纤细的风格。中央美术学院韦启美教授在给吴东奋的信中对他的作品评价写道:“既有古意,又有新意,真可谓‘推陈出新’。你的作品似从明人画出,至少我有此联想。笔墨质朴苍润,工而不滞,又时出机杼,多有创意,胜出当前京城常见的花鸟画时尚模式,此最为难得”。 吴东奋的作品,给人以一种古朴奇拙的视觉形
It is easy to find out that his new work is neither lacking in traditional skill nor new and vigorous in appearance. It is different from the neat and delicate style of the previous fine brushwork. Professor Wei Qimei of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, in his letter to Wu Dongfen, commented on his work: “It is true that there are old ideas and new ideas, so it is indeed an innovation.” Your work seems to be drawn from the Ming people, at least I have this association Cangruan simple ink, work without delay, but also out of the machine, more creative, winning the current capital of the common bird and flower fashion model, this is the most rare. Wu Dong Fen’s work, gives a kind of ancient and clumsy visual form